„Service is our Success!”
This is our Mantra for our service. The service is what sets us apart from other service providers for sport time keeping.

Our staff is trained specifically for timekeeping and customer service. With this in mind we implemented a unique service concept to give you the best support for your event:
4 Stars
The timekeeping captain is a highly experienced project manager for the most complex events. We recommend a captain for complex events takin place on more than one day and for events with a high number of participants. He will coordinate the whole bibchip service team before the event and onsite. He can cope with the complex situations and is a competent contact person for the organizer due to his long experience and good qualifications.
3 Stars
Senior Timekeeping-Manager
The Senior Timekeeping-Manager has already years of experiences in sport timekeeping at big events. He is highly specialised in the technical and IT-infrastructure. He is primary in charge of national and international championships with high complexity.
2 Stars
Junior Timekeeping-Manager
The Junior Timekeeping Manager has wide experience in timekeeping on different events- He is trained by our Timekeeping-Managers on a regular basis and is in charge of regular events.
1 Star
Timekeeping Assistant
The Timekeeping Assistant is a fixed member of our crew. They help on every event by setting up the systems and equipment onsite and assisting the Timekeeping Manager in charge. They are trained intensively for the requirements on different events.